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How to Write a Boring Topic without Boring Your Readers to Death

Content Marketing


If you’re a blogger or online writer, you’re bound to have come across the “impatient reader” a couple of times — the worst enemy of writers. Online readers don’t just lack patience, they’re also easily bored.

For writers in industries considered as “boring”, it can be difficult to appeal to readers if the mere mention of your technical topic spurs cricket noises. I’ve been in the same situation a couple of times during my writing career, so I know that there’s nothing more depressing for a writer than to have your work get that ‘boring’ tag.

But then it hit me, there are no boring topics, just boring writing.

If you’re writing for a company that has products or services that aren’t perceived by the general public as fun or interesting, that doesn’t mean that you should settle with writing boring content. What’s the sense in writing if nobody reads your stuff, right?

Don’t be that boring writer. Here are several ways on how you can write about boring topics and not bore your readers to death:

1. Hit on your reader

I’m not telling you to flirt with your readers like you’re hitting on them in the real world. What I’m trying to say is, imagine that you’re alone in a bar and you see someone that you’re insanely attracted to. What would you first say to them to show them that you’re not boring? How would you introduce yourself so they’d want to learn more about you?

When you’re writing, instead of attractive, “chiseled looks” and pick-up lines, your choice of words is your best and only weapon to seduce readers. When 43% of people admit they skim blog posts, you get one chance to shoot your shot before they click out. Start your article with a question, tell a story that readers will be able to relate with, or shock them with interesting facts. Give them a compelling reason to relate to your content from the very start.

2. Don’t be a poser

You know what readers really like? They like articles that actually answer their questions in great detail. You know what readers really hate? Poser articles where the writer rushes the ‘helping’ part and focuses on promoting the company.

If you’re talking too much about your company, it will make you look like you don’t really want to help them get the information they want. SurveyMonkey did their own research and 82% of people don’t want your opinion on why your company is good. They want to see the cold, hard facts. Genuinely help your reader with the topic that they want to learn more about. If they see that you can talk the talk, then you’ll earn their trust and consider purchasing your product or avail of your services.


Appliance parts company eSpares makes the case for this through its YouTube series of how-to videos, covering a range of home repairs. What makes this content work is the combination of providing help through tutorials and authentic humor through outtake reels. You’d think that seeing professionals struggle with tools or bits and bobs would make them less credible, but it pretty much sells these tutorials as legit because of how transparent they are. You can see just how much positive feedback these guys get in their comment sections.

3. Speak in “English”

Not to be racist or anything, this isn’t about the choice in language. If you’re a writer for a Chinese or Spanish website, then by all means, write in that language. This is about writing using industry jargon. If your reader is already lost or confused with the first lines of your article, you can bet they won’t bother reading the rest of it.

If you keep talking in terms that only people in your industry can understand, it’s no different from talking in a foreign language. Remember that they’re impatient readers, they have no time to open another Google tab to find definitions or read Wikipedia. News and report writers know this by heart. They usually include a brief background description of people or entities that they mention in their article from the very beginning.

Additionally, speak in the “English” of your target audience. Being too general can water down your message but using the language that’s most relatable to your readers can make your writing more compelling for them and keep them engaged for longer.

4. Funny is the new sexy

There are numerous studies that back up the claim that people love brands with a sense of humor. In fact, funny is the new sexy. When it comes to writing, having a sense of humor instantly makes your article more interesting to read. Nielsen agrees too, finding that majority of North America and Europe connect the most with humorous marketing materials over their global counterparts.

Don’t be afraid to be witty or sarcastic, crack a joke, insert pop culture references, add funny memes or comics, or maybe talk about your cat. Put your personality into what you’re writing. This will also be a great way for you to set yourself apart from your competitors.


Look at Jennifer Lawrence. People love her not only because she’s a good actress, but because she doesn’t take herself too seriously. Toilet paper brand Charmin follows the same school of thought, using (sometimes literal) toilet humor in their content to go viral.

The Key to Better Writing

As an art, writing has a few disciplines that remain consistent all throughout. Whether you’re a blogger, a web content writer, a novelist, or anyone who wants to write for a living, these indispensable tips below can help you become a better pro writer—no matter what writer hat you’re wearing. Of course they aren’t easy, but no one ever said being better at anything was going to be easy.

  1. First Impression

Remember that you’re dealing with an impatient reader. Your article is not a suspense movie starring (insert your ultimate actor crush here) that they’ll seat through for 2 hours.

Don’t be too mysterious or dramatic in your first paragraph, instead keep it short and simple. This is where the “inverted pyramid” style of writing comes in. Let your reader know what they’ll be getting in the rest of your article by putting the most important things or your conclusion in your first paragraph. Don’t worry, they won’t hate you for being a spoiler.

  1. Styling

The reality is, readers don’t actually ‘read’, they scan. Rather than getting frustrated by the fact that people nowadays are not fond of reading anymore, you need to adjust to their fondness of scanning.

Aside from catching the attention of your reader with your first paragraph, use the following styling to make your article scannable:

  • Subheadings. Break down your article with mini headlines for a better first impression. Again,
  • don’t be too mysterious. Use words for your subheadings that will also attract attention.
  • Bulleting/Numbering. Long paragraphs look like they’ll take an eternity to read from start to end.
  • Instead, bullet/number your key points to make it easier on the eyes of the reader.
  • Bold/Italicize/Underline. If you have specific words or phrases that you want to give special attention to, make use of text formatting. Your reader will easily pick it out as important information.
  1. Length of the Article

Imagine getting stuck in an elevator with someone who just can’t stop talking, annoying right? That’s the same thing with writing – the less you write, the better.

Readers don’t care if you can write perfect multiple sentence conjunctions. They want information, and they want it fast. If you realize that you’ve written a long paragraph, find a way to reduce it and contain fewer conjunctions.

In some cases, longer blog posts is just unavoidable. Hubspot wrote an article to answer this age-long question on how long should blog posts be.

Bonus Tips for Better Writing

  • Don’t wait for inspiration, chase it.

Sometimes with a baseball bat, or, as Jack London said in his original quote, “with a club.” When you have ho-hum topics and deadlines for them looming over your neck—or worse, no ideas whatsoever—you don’t really have any options here. Not as far as inspiration is concerned.

It’s won’t look as cinematic as a Rocky Balboa training montage (nor as inspiring, probably), but do what you have to do to finish what you need to. Research online. Take a walk to clear your head. Watch people. Hug your dog while researching online.

Then make sure you sit down and churn out those first few sentences. You’ll be surprised at how much smoother it gets once you get going.

  • Don’t correct yourself as you write, just go with it.

Part of the reason why it can be so hard to start writing anything is because we writers can be our own worst critic. This isn’t actually a bad thing, but when you start telling yourself a sentence is no good before you even write it down, you might end up with no sentences on a page. This is especially bad when you’re trying to write something in 140 characters or less.

When you’re ‘free-writing’, there’s nothing to it. As Ernest Hemingway put it, “all you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed”. Don’t worry about whether a certain word doesn’t fit a sentence, or whether you should use a comma or a colon or a double dash. Spill your thoughts on your chosen medium and let it all out.

Without any obstacles to trip and bump on—such as your own editorial voice—you’ll find yourself with enough raw material to express whatever idea you needed to.

Once you’re all thought out, then it’s time to unleash your inner editor.

  • Write everyday.

Whether you’re a blogger, an aspiring novelist, or both, make sure you write every day. It doesn’t have to be a whole story or a finished post, but it does have to be something. One writer is known to write 10 pages a day no matter what. Some of those pages may have been heavily corrected or scrapped entirely, but this dedication has led him to write more than 60 novels—such as the ShiningIt, and Carrie. With discipline like that, it’s no wonder Stephen King is so prolific.

Everyone has the same number of hours in a day: you, Barack Obama, Beyonce, and that person next to you in a coffee shop. It’s been said over and over, but if you want to be productive, being disciplined and keeping focused are your two best weapons. Even inborn talent is nothing without those two, so sit down, maybe listen to your favorite music, and write. Just for a while. Every day.

  • Read as much as you write.

“If you don’t have the time to read, you don’t have the time (or tools) to write. Simple as that.” It couldn’t have been blunter, but Stephen King couldn’t be more right. Reading influences your writing in ways that can’t be accomplished by regular teaching methods.

You can be taught to write correctly as far as grammar and structure are concerned, but it’s almost impossible to be taught inspiration, the magic of language, or the feel of whatever genre you want to write in.

These things are only imparted when you read. There isn’t a musician alive (or dead!) that didn’t listen to music themselves and still call themselves musicians. Anything you read and enjoy reading has a good many advantages for any writer, and I’m listing some of them down for you:

  • It influences your style and helps you develop your own
  • It widens your vocabulary in an infinitely more fun way that reading a dictionary
  • It introduces you to the thought processes of the masters (so they can rub off you)

You can’t hope to sweep someone else with the force of your writing until it’s been done to you—and yes, Stephen King said that too.

Don’t stop at writing

Content marketing involves a lot more work aside from writing scannable content. Even if you have a very well-written content, it doesn’t “exist” if nobody knows about it. Share it in your social media accounts and write copies that would make Oscar-winning movie trailers envy.

Making content for boring topics doesn’t need to be boring. Knowing your niche best—where you stand as a brand and where your audience is coming from—lets you relate to them better and provide value without boring them to death!

If these tips sound like harsh truths (though there are plenty of those in the world of writing), don’t be overwhelmed. Being able to take these tips and deliver is what takes your brand from content marketing novice to one that can actually use content to drive ROI!

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