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Social Media in the Philippines 2024: Facts, Statistics, History & Trends

Social Media Marketing

Ready to Master Social Media in the Philippines? Spiralytics offers effective tools and strategies to help you achieve business success. Learn more about our social media services.

Social media is one of the world’s top communication channels—if not the top. Since its rise to popularity, it has impacted not only how people communicate but also how they live. From food and medication to education and work, social media bridges the physical and virtual worlds, making connections easier.

To showcase social media’s effects, let’s take a look at the numbers. According to Statista, the world’s social media user count was 4.26 billion people. In a more local setting, in 2021, the Philippines ranked first with the highest social media usage rate. The country’s average daily use was over four hours, which is 60% higher than normal. 

Some of the most popular social media platforms in the Philippines include:

  1. Facebook
  2. Facebook Messenger
  3. Instagram
  4. Tiktok
  5. Twitter

These platforms have specific user bases that just about any business can tap into and capitalize on. Relevant social media statistics in the Philippines provide marketers with insight into the power of adopting digital media to their strategies.

The infographic below will give you a comprehensive look into social media in the Philippines, its history, how it’s affecting the Filipino population, and what the trends say about its future. 

The History of Social Media in the Philippines 

Before getting into social media’s start in the Philippines, let’s first explore when the country connected with the international web. On March 29, 1994, Benjie Tan started the Philippines’ first internet connection via a PLDT network center in Makati City.

Since establishing the country’s link to the international web, the digitalization of the Philippines slowly gained traction. In 2002, Friendster was one of the first social media networking platforms to penetrate and thrive in the country.

At its peak, Friendster had over 8 million users. The site’s main feature was its Testimonials section, known locally as “testi.” It was a section of a user’s profile where users could leave comments about the person, whether it be a lengthy essay describing how they met or how appreciative they were of each other.

Of course, while Facebook has taken over Friendster as the most used app in the country, that’s not to discredit the other platforms making it big in Philippine cyberspace. You can find some of the current statistics and facts about social media in the Philippines below. You can used this information as leverage in choosing the proper social channel.

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Social Media Statistics in the Philippines

  1. There were 76.01 million social media users in the Philippines in 2022 – Meltwater
  2. 82.4% of Filipinos are social media account holders – Meltwater
  3. The Philippines ranks second worldwide in average daily social media usage at 4 hours and 6 minutes – Meltwater
  4. The Philippines saw a 3.4% increase in social media users from 2021 to 2022 – Meltwater
  5. As of July 2022, Facebook accounts for around 91.1% of the Philippine’s social media market – Statista
  6. The number of Instagram users in the Philippines is projected to increase to 18.53 million users by 2025 – Statista
  7. Twitter had 10.50 million users in the Philippines in early 2022 – DataReportal 
  8. YouTube had 56.50 million users in the Philippines in early 2022 – DataReportal
  9. TikTok had 35.96 million users aged 18 and above in the Philippines in early 2022 – DataReportal 

Facts About Social Media In The Philippines

  1. The Philippines is the social media capital of the world – Statista
  2. Facebook is the most used social media platform in the Philippines – MeltWater
  3. 51.4% of all users in the Philippines follow celebrities and influencers – Meltwater
  4. 97.2% of users in the Philippines prefer using mobile phones when accessing social media – MeltWater
  5. Filipinos rank globally as some of the most active internet users – Rappler

Various social media channels have their own impact that helps make them effective business tools. Here are some social media trends in the Philippines.

Social Media Trends in the Philippines 

1. The rise of Instagram reels and their contribution to marketing success

One of the most prominent social media trends in the Philippines is the rise of short-form videos. One example is Instagram reels which people have been using to get more IG followers. In 2021, the Instagram reels feature—more commonly known as IG reels— entered the Philippines. Businesses now have an additional means of advertising their goods and services by capitalizing on the short-form videos slowly taking over cyberspace. 

2. Brand partnerships with influencers on social media

Influencer marketing has been around for quite some time. This type of marketing leverages an influencer’s following to get more conversions. While this technique isn’t new, it still proves very effective. 

Almost 70% of people bought a product due to an influencer’s recommendation. Moreover, it’s also significantly less expensive than reaching the same audiences with paid advertising efforts.

3. The rise of the one-minute video

A one-minute video is meant to be brief, direct, and concise. These time-restricted films are effective because they’re quick and fun to consume, making them simple for users to digest or forget. Moreover, these short-form videos are easy on the eyes and have been designed for mobile viewing, so you don’t need to hold your phone horizontally to watch a clip.

4. User-generated content

As the COVID-19 pandemic detached Filipinos from their normal daily lives, some social media platforms paved the way for entertainment. However, as the pandemic continued, more people started going down the path of content creation on TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram. It has become quite a popular trend to write testimonials about various goods and services and post them on their channels for the general public to read.

Leveraging Social Connections

The Philippines has come far since its link to the international web in 1994. Modern-day technologies have paved the way for development and innovations that we continue to use and improve.

From genuine connections to improved business strategies, digital media has proven its advantages and benefits to the modern world. It’s safe to say that with the continuous refining of social media marketing in the Philippines, brands can continue their pursuit of the next big thing. With the help of the current trends, backed up by solid facts, curating an effective marketing strategy will be achievable.

If you need help with social media marketing, Spiralytics offers effective tools and strategies to help you achieve business success.

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Generating Leads with Facebook: A Guide for Businesses

Philippine Social Media FAQs

What is the fastest-growing social media platform in the Philippines? 

In the Philippines, the fastest-growing social media platform is TikTok. The platform has exceeded three billion downloads worldwide, making it the first non-Meta (Facebook and Instagram’s parent company) app to do so.
TikTok’s content nature makes it the platform of choice for younger Millennials and Generation Z. From remixes and mashups to dance crazes and convenient shopping, TikTok became a window into modern youth culture.

Which social media platform is best for promoting business in the Philippines? 

Social media platforms allow businesses to market and advertise, but the best answer will be according to your requirements. Some businesses need a more streamlined process, while others only need an official website or page to get the business going. Whatever the requirements, ensure that you choose a platform that fits your business’ and audience’s needs.
However, it’s worth noting that Facebook remains the most active social media tool in the Philippines, with about 80 million users.

Is Twitter a great marketing tool in the Philippines? 

Filipinos engage through digital marketing on Twitter and use this platform for live info dissemination. Furthermore, the site is also excellent for gathering customer insights and establishing trust because of its short-text post format. These short-text post formats make it easy for businesses to market on Twitter flawlessly. They can send messages directly, without fussing or the flowery words. 

Why use Facebook Groups for social media marketing in the Philippines? 

Facebook Groups offer businesses and their customers a platform for social proofing. This allows business networking where customers can share their insights and experiences on a plethora of topics such as brands, past times, or products.
Filipino buyers are known for their distinct purchasing habits. An example would be their eagerness to be as knowledgeable of the available goods and services offered to them. Family, friends, relatives, and coworkers are just a few of the people who have an impact on Filipino consumers’ purchasing decisions.
You can use Facebook groups to engage your target and current audience as a business. You can use these groups to discuss problems and find solutions with your customers. Conversely, you can get feedback from consumer experiences to help you improve.