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An image featuring a phone displaying a Facebook Ads manager app.
September 12, 2023
How Much Do Facebook Ads Cost in the Philippines?  
Navigating Facebook ad costs? We’ve achieved remarkable results in the Philippines through precision targeting, impactful...
Ultimate guide to facebook advertising placement
March 12, 2018
Updated Guide to Facebook Advertising Placements [Infographic]
Not knowing where to place your Facebook Ads to get optimal results immediately puts your...
laptop screen
February 22, 2017
Facebook Ads for B2B: Why Every Company Should Invest
There’s a common misconception that Facebook advertising is only applicable to B2C companies. But in...
girl covering her face 
February 9, 2017
5 Unforgivable B2B Facebook Advertising Mistakes
  Facebook is the leading social media platform used by marketers, according to a study...
city at night
June 22, 2015
Case Study: How Facebook Ad Fatigue Can Destroy Your Campaign Metrics
  Facebook Ad Fatigue Definition Facebook Ad fatigue is the condition when your audience gets...

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