Rhiza Oyos

Riz is Spiralytics' resident blogger and Inbound Marketing person. She takes pride in being around pre-Penguin and Panda days, investing the past 12 years of her life figuring out SEO, blogging, inbound marketing, and a bit of front-end development. She also holds the record for being the first hired employee of Spiralytics. She did manage to get a life outside of work, get married, and give birth to twin girls. In between work and mothering, you'll likely catch her watching Friends' gag reels on Youtube, or listening to Harry Styles.

Recent Posts

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January 20, 2020
How to Improve Your Search Rankings with Content Marketing
Content is king, let us not debate about that. The Internet was founded for the purpose...
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January 13, 2020
B2B Marketing: How to Set up Your Blog to Effectively Generate Leads
While blogging can work wonders both for B2B and B2C companies, we want to look...
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January 2, 2020
How Long Does it Take to Get to the First Page of Google?
I have a feeling the answer to this question is everything SEO clients want to...
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December 23, 2019
How to Stand Out and Succeed at Content Marketing
Content Marketing being a huge deal this year is a given. We all know how important...
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December 18, 2019
5 Crucial Steps to Establishing Online Presence
  Venturing into the online world is crucial for virtually any business operating today. Gone...
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October 3, 2019
Why Your B2B Company Needs a Blog (and Strategies for Success)
  If there’s one single content marketing strategy that has proven to stand the test...
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March 22, 2019
Inbound Marketing and Its Importance B2B
Although inbound marketing is not a new term, there are still companies who don’t fully...
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January 25, 2019
How to Build a Community and Thrive on Instagram
If you or your business are not on Instagram, what kind of rock have you...
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August 7, 2017
7 Everyday Mistakes You Don’t Know is Putting your Email Deli...
Underlying the creation of an effective email marketing strategy is the fundamentals of deliverability. The...
July 28, 2017
Understanding the B2B Marketing Funnel and the Role of Email Marketing
In the most recent B2B benchmark report (CMI), 49% of those whose content marketing success...
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July 3, 2017
How to Rank in the Age of Mobile and Local Search, a 12-Step SEO Guide
Can you believe we’re half-way through 2017? Which means, it’s time to reassess your SEO strategy...
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April 17, 2017
Improve Google.co.uk SEO Rankings [5 Things You Need to Do]
As the world gets smaller and more connected than ever, it’s not unusual that a...

Frustrated about your business blog's performance?

Stop going around in circles and start implementing a Content Marketing Strategy that works.