Josh Javier

Josh is a coffee-loving gentleman who works as a Content Strategist for Spiralytics. In his free time, he likes tinkering with code and learning about data science, web development, and how to automate tedious tasks.

Recent Posts

what makes a successful digital marketing campaign
June 4, 2019
A Look at What Makes a Successful Digital Marketing Campaign (with ...
  During the last couple of years, the digital marketing sector has grown considerably, thus...
Organic vs Paid Social
April 19, 2018
Organic vs Paid: Which is Better for Driving Social Media Referral ...
Social media continues its reign as a top choice for marketers and businesses looking to...
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March 21, 2018
Develop an SEM Plan That Works for Any Brand ? [How-to-Guide]
Are you trying to create an optimized SEM plan that drives profitable conversions for your...
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May 19, 2017
The Secret to a Healthy Client-Agency Relationship
  When it comes to maximizing the ROI from your marketing agency, it pays to...

Frustrated about your business blog's performance?

Stop going around in circles and start implementing a Content Marketing Strategy that works.