Valerie Castro

Valerie is the go-to specialist in Spiralytics when it comes to anything Online PR-related. She gets a real kick out of building online brands through positive word-of-mouth.

Recent Posts

personalized marketing context
January 22, 2019
Personalized Marketing: It’s All About Context
  Mass marketing is a thing of the past. Personalization as a marketing strategy has...
How to find suppliers for your Ecommerce Store
October 1, 2018
How to Find Suppliers for Your E-Commerce Store
One of the most critical business decisions you will make as an entrepreneur in the...
work place
June 13, 2017
In-House vs Outsourced Marketing: Pros & Cons
Businesses face difficult choices every day, but the least of which should be deciding the...

Frustrated about your business blog's performance?

Stop going around in circles and start implementing a Content Marketing Strategy that works.